Luca Ferrarini
Newsletter Co-editor
Prof. Luca Ferrarini, MSc summa cum laude in Electronic Engineering in 1988 at Politecnico di Milano, has been with the Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria of Politecnico di Milano, where is currently Full Professor of industrial automation and control of discrete production systems courses. He is co-author of 7 patents, on the design, testing and validation of the control system of industrial processes. One patent is pending on predictive controllers for industrial boilers. Additionally, he has co-authored more than 200 scientific contributions including journal papers, conference presentations, educational and research books, book chapters, editorials. He is a Senior Member of IEEE, member of IEEE IES Technical Committee on Industrial Agents and of IFAC Technical Committee T5.1 on Manufacturing Control. He is also Associate Editor for IEEE Transaction on Automation Science and Engineering. His research interests include discrete-event systems and Petri nets; industrial distributed automation systems; predictive and data-driven control; energy efficiency in buildings and production systems; integration of renewables.
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